Saturday, December 19, 2009

More research : Cost per hour of goods

A busy week trying to get everything out. Everything is out.  ALL of the stockings are sold.  I had a large sell-out of those locally.   Currently I'm making 4 bags that I need to get completed by Christmas to local customers.  One of these is a new one which I'll post probably tomorrow. 
    At the moment I'm taking a break from active promotion of the etsy shop until I catch up.  My husband did some research on the forums and put together the hourly cost from one of the forum post (see here).  The average was a little over $ 15 an hour with a range from 9 to 40.  Some did reply thay made 0$ / hour because of lack of sales!   I started out at hoping for $10 an hour but know I'm no where close to that at the moment.   If I get pass the design and learning stages I think it can go above that.  We'll see.  Above is a graph he did showing the number of repsonses at a given dollar amount.    He also came across an interesting site in this forum that could be used to set prices (  Another item he came across was a site which he you could use to track a name across several of the social networking sites.  This is

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